I’m Grateful For ~ Him
I don’t usually write about “him”. My amazing husband. But this weekend of course is different. It’s a weekend to take time to cherish the Father’s in our lives.
Where do I start. Maybe with what he is not as sometimes that is more important. He does not follow sport. He would not be able to tell you the names of Rugby League or AFL teams. He doesn’t spend his weekends on the couch. You won’t find his head buried in a book or magazine. He is not ultra “macho”. He does not leave the toilet lid up or wet towels on the ground.
So what does he do? He cooks amazing meals and has on occasion come home with a selection of antipasto treats for me or an array of assorted chocolate. He has been known to mow the lawn every second day and you will often find him transplanting plants or trying a new way to grow pumpkins. He cleans and organises like NO ONE, man or woman I have ever met. His wardrobe is meticulous and I have come home to find half my wardrobe in the back of his car “forcing me to declutter” He can fix anything! Even if sometimes it involves using a rubber band and a piece of string. A hard worker, he will do whatever it takes to provide his family with whatever they “need” even if at times that leaves his back aching and his mind weary.
But what I am most grateful is the Father he is. He is INVOLVED. He changes nappies, bathes them, mashes their food and kisses their wounds. He creates his own games to keep them entertained like “Stomp man” (don’t ask but it usually involves screams of delight) When Mummy has had enough he takes them for a walk to the lake and teaches them how to fish. When they are sick he googles their symptoms trying to find the cause. On his days off he tinker around the house with his shadows (Master O and Miss A) never far behind them. He sings lullabies and 90’s hits to them. He plays practical jokes on them and spins them around until they are dizzy. He is fun. He is loving. He is him.
I could not have imagined or ever desired a better husband or father for my children. For everything he is and everything he gives to us, I am eternally grateful. Oh and he is all mine!!!
Linking up with Maxabella Loves.