I’m grateful for….Heartwheels
Posted On June 3, 2011
Marbles, elastics, hula hoops, hopscotch.
The passing fads of the childhood playground.
But there is one, that haunts me.
Something I never mastered and now
it is Master O’s turn to take the challenge.
Something I never mastered and now
it is Master O’s turn to take the challenge.
The “Heartwheel”.
I asked him what a “heartwheel” was.
“Well Mummy you put your hands on the ground and flip your legs over and your heart goes really fast. That’s a heartwheel.”
The fact that he has added his own “heart” slant on a traditional cartwheel
makes it that much cuter.
No place is immune to Master O’s attempts to conquer the skill.
Operation “heartwheel” is undertaken in every space possible.
The lounge room, hallway, driveway, back yard. Even on the tiles!!!
He gazes at the ground, arms in the air and a frown on his face
that is a blend of pure anticipation and concentration.
With one jump he goes flying.
It is hard work. His little arms are stronger than I imagined. He holds himself up for a split second but then crashes to the ground. His ego only slightly harmed, no injury is too severe to halt the operation.
Their are words of encouragement from the sideline.
You will get it one day, maybe when you’re a bit bigger?
Their are words of encouragement from the sideline.
You will get it one day, maybe when you’re a bit bigger?
For a child that generally has little persistence, he shows no signs of giving up.
Not age, size or constant failure will stop him.
Not age, size or constant failure will stop him.
The day can not be more perfect. The winter sun is shining on him.
Today is his day.
Today is his day.
He does it.
It’s not perfect. But its a cartwheel.
His two feet land solidly on the ground.
His face is full of shock.
Disbelief at what, after many days of practice, he has acheived.
His head finally catches up with his body and the excitement sets in.
In that moment his life changes.
It’s not perfect. But its a cartwheel.
His two feet land solidly on the ground.
His face is full of shock.
Disbelief at what, after many days of practice, he has acheived.
His head finally catches up with his body and the excitement sets in.
In that moment his life changes.
He has tried, fought, attempted, persisted at something HE wants to do.
So he has learnt to walk, or toilet train but that it is for Mummy.
This is for him.
He is just happy to show off his new accomplishment to friends, neighbours, innocent passers by as he whirls along the footpath.
But I see the bigger picture.
So he has learnt to walk, or toilet train but that it is for Mummy.
This is for him.
He is just happy to show off his new accomplishment to friends, neighbours, innocent passers by as he whirls along the footpath.
But I see the bigger picture.
I am grateful for everything this heartwheel has taught him.
To never give up, to set your expectations high, ignore the bystanders and go for it.
To never give up, to set your expectations high, ignore the bystanders and go for it.