Household Month of Organisation! – The First Aid Kit

It Is May!
National Month of Organisation!
Ok so there isn’t really a month dedicated to getting organised 
but in our house there will be!
Now that we have all settled in to work and kindy, we have established some routines,  and started meal planning, 
we need to get this house organised!
It also helps that this month we have two long weekends!
Our biggest problem is not being able to find things when you need them!
Medicine cups, socks, hair bows, school notes, drink bottle lids (why do we have a million bottles and only a few lids?) they all need a routine and a home.

I also want to create one central area “An Organisation Station” that can be the family hub for all things organised, first aid kit, phone numbers, drink bottles (with lids), hats, notes, a calendar.  
Perhaps we need an organisation room not a station!

So no time to waste!  Today we are tackling……..

A while ago I purchased a little first aid kit for the house.
I put it in a drawer and this drawer became the first aid drawer.
The drawer even got it’s own label!
And thats how it stayed for the last year…..I wish!
 The papers from used bandaids, a million repeat prescription papers, assorted tacs, paperclips,  and bobby pins, sticky tape, ear plugs, EVERYTHING ended up in this drawer!  Lucky there have been no major emergencies as one of the kids would have probably ended up with a bandage held in place with bobby pins and bandaid papers stuck on with sticky tape!   Well at least I would have had earplugs to not listen to the crying!

So yesterday we….
1. Got EVERYTHING out of the drawer

2. Anything that was not first aid related went elsewhere

3. Checked Emergency numbers are correct and current

4. Is it out of date ?   
Check everything in the kit, fridge and medicine cabinet, including creams and antiseptic


5. Does it have a label?Dispose of anything that no longer has a label, if you don’t know what it is, what it is for, or whose it is        
          THROW IT OUT!

6. Broken or damaged packaging? 
          THROW IT OUT!

7. Check old repeat prescriptions.  If they are no longer valid throw them out

8. Do you have everything?     
Use the checklist to check that nothing has gone missing. 
Make a list of what needs to be replaced.
Wow a drawers worth of “rubbish” was halved!
Now the drawer is dedicated to first aid.

It has our first aid kit, emergency numbers and ready to use first aid items in it and

The After Picture
Forgot to take a before!!!

We have a little shelf in the fridge for kids medicines and medicine measures.
Ice packs in the freezer
Medications in the cupboard above the freezer (out of reach of little hands!)

Here is a PRINTABLE copy of our First Aid Checklist

Just click the link, download and print!

Looking forward to sharing our organisation journey with you!
I’ll be back with photos!

