Car Organisation

Two kids and one long car trip means a neverending pile of tissues, baby wipes and colouring in books.  This is our attempt to keep the mess and the tantrums under control!

This basket sits between the kids two carseats.  In it we have tissues, wipes, drink bottles, pencils, travel case for Master O, and sticker/colouring in books.  I personally prefer a basket rather than the over seat organisers.  We have portable dvd players over the seat so it makes attaching organisers tricky.  I purposefully chose a basket with handles so it is easy to take out of the car when we are stopped or staying overnight somewhere.  This one was under $10 from a discount store.

If only I had of found this travel case years ago!  It is prefect for an older child to carry ipods, ds’s, headphones, pencils, notepad even a small toy or two.  Even better it has his favourite jet plane on the front.  It is from Smiggle and retails for $24.95.


Loving these $3 pencil tins from Kmart complete with sharpener in the lid!  Wish I would have bought more as they would be perfect stocking fillers or birthday party gifts! 

 Little Miss A is obsessed with Stickers and I am hoping some of these will help pass the time on the long drive.   She cnat quite put them in the right spots yet but she just loves looking at the real life pictures.  These were reduced to $2 at Big W.

We can only hope all of this will make our two day drive bearable.  It may take more than a basket, I’m thinking panadol and a stiff drink?  

What do you do to survive car trips with the kids?